Realistic Fiction

Realistic fiction depicts situations that could actually happen. Sometimes realistic fiction books are based on real-life events, but often, they are just works of the author's imaginations. There are some great MG realistic fiction books out currently! Check out some of my favorites!

Clean Getaway by Nic Stone

Part adventure story, part history, Clean Getaway tells about the relationship between Scoob and his G'ma, who seems to be forgetting more and more lately. It's G'ma who tells Scoob of what it was like for her to live with his G'pa in the segregated south--G'ma is white and G'pa was black. G'ma has great nuggets of wisdom to share (along with a side of sass & secrets!).

Song for a Whale by Lynne Kelly

A beautiful story of loneliness and friendship. Iris is a fix-it genius. She can fix any broken radio around, which is pretty amazing considering she is deaf. Iris feels isolated most of the time. Unable to communicate clearly with a lot of people (including her dad), Iris knows how it feels to be misunderstood. When her science teacher shows the class a video of Blue 55, a whale whose song doesn't match the frequency of any other whale pod, Iris sets out to create a song for Blue 55, so he won't feel so alone. Beautiful writing, this one is a can't miss!

Roll with It by Jamie Sumner

Emmy in the Key of Code by Aimee Lucido

Emmy is at a new middle school, in a new town, and needs to find a new hobby. Sadly, she did not inherit her parents' musical abilities. Without knowing what else to selective for her elective, she selects computer coding. Through coding (and music) she learns about herself and how to speak the language of friendship! An innovative verse novel that blends coding and music, Emmy in the Key of Code is a relateable, creative middle grade book!